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Cameron Keiber: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation Pt.2

“It’s like having a puzzle that only you know how it all fits together and then when you complete that puzzle, it feels really fucking good. It feels really fucking great.” To quote one of our most favorite SNL skits of all time: “And we’re baaaack!” But first, didja catch the first part of our […]

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Poppy Delivers Your First Must-Have Metal Record…Or Must-Have Pop Album Of 2020 With I Disagree

You can blame VOWWS for my newfound love of all things Poppy. As stated in our 2020 preview (Which you can conveniently read now by clicking here), I didn’t get “I Disagree” when it was released. At all. The music was all over the place and the accompanying video, while [...]

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Fatigue Fly The Darkwave Banner High In MA On Self-Titled EP

If you live in Massachusetts, chances are that you’ve heard the one about whenever you turn on the nightly news you’re likely to find that something bad has happened in one of our many towns/cities starting with the letter “L”. You know what I’m talkin’ about! There’s Lawrence and Lancaster [...]

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What’s In A Name? Yur Mum Lay It All Out Within Rollickin’ Ellipsis

As the punchline to many a joke around the RNRF homestead, it’d be silly to think that when a band with a name like “Yur Mum” comes across our request desk they wouldn’t get the attention they so rightly and obviously deserve from us.

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Beach Slang Rawk The New Year Right On The Deadbeat Slang of Heartbreak City

“Guitar, bass and drums. Played loudly.”

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20 for ’20: AKA 20 Albums We Think Will Kick Off Your New Decade Right

2020 has a lot going for it already with a slew of stellar albums dropping right at the start AND a year where Ozzy will release new material is a feat in itself. Also on the horizon beyond what we’ve listed below is a new beast from Rawk Gods Aeges [...]

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19 in ’19: A Truly Exhausting Look At The 19 Albums You should’ve Paid Attention to in 2019.

I was going to start this thing off with an additional list of “honorable mentions” so I could add EVERYTHING I wanted to include on this year end list but figured, if you regularly read this blog then you know that whatever gets featured here already has major heart eyes [...]

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