Look, to be clear, Amiensus’ Reclamation Pt.I which arrived in April was a stellar entry into an already dynamic catalog. That said, Reclamation Pt.II blows all of that away. Definitely our most favorite from the Minnesota collective, possibly their best to date, and most certainly their heaviest. In fact! We [...]
The term “All killer, no filler” was made for an album like Feed The Fire and a band like Seattle’s Nox Novacula. Like its’ predecessor, 2021’s Ascension, FTF is a slim less than ten tracks of just stunning Goth-flavored Post-Rawk that yanks the torch carried by Bauhaus and Joy Division [...]
With the amount of material that’s been previewed ahead of its’ release, Already Dead’s Something Like A War is something like a “Greatest Hits” because of the awareness of a lot of the new music out, ahem, already. Which is fine by us as we can’t seem to get enough [...]
Being indoctrinated into the world of Metal in the ’90’s meant that the Anthrax I was exposed to was of the John Bush variety and Sound Of White Noise/”Only” my go-to going forward and while I did do a deep dive on pre-Anthrax Bush with Armored Saint, I never did [...]
Everyone has their own “Intro to Steve Albini” story, right? We’re of that half that got into Shellac before even realizing what Albini had been responsible for behind the boards when we were introduced to 1000 Hurts during our Retail Warrior daze in the early ’00’s. Among the many, many, [...]
The best concept albums are the ones that can be picked apart and separated yet still enjoyed outside of the main event. Some bands manage to pull that off, others don’t (We once saw Mastodon 3 times in the same year performing Crack The Skye all the way through and, [...]