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What’s In A Name? Bloody Knives’ White Light Black Moon Is A Welcome Drum ‘N’ Bass Synthetic Assault We Didn’t Know We Needed

“What’s in a name?” returns! Firstly, because why not? And secondly because the moody, gothic driven sound produced on White Light Black Moon does not sound like something coming from a band called Bloody Knives. But maybe that’s the point. Don’t judge a book and all that jazz… But I [...]

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PIG Continues Comeback Ascent On Illuminating Risen

If you’ve been with <PIG> since the beginning then the natural progression of this awesome Electro/Industrial/Glam project has been the absolute best rollercoaster to ride on, especially with the recent second coming phase. However, if The Gospel and subsequent current outings haven’t been your cuppa then my best advice is [...]

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Kelsey’s Debut EP Is A Hard Rawk Fans Delight

As a fellow Berklee grad, how could I not wanna review this? It also helps that the debut EP from Kelsey Luo happens to be a kick ass slab of unexpected hard rawk! Vancouver to Boston to L.A. to Vancouver once again is the journey Kelsey took to bring you [...]

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Bleeding Through Return Reinvigorated On Ridiculously Rambunctious Love Will Kill All

Just to go back and remember how intense they could be in advance of this review I decided to forego sleep on the plane home during a recent trip and intently listen to my favorite, and the the first album I owned from, Bleeding Through. The album in question is [...]

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At The Gates Continue To Be Pioneers Of Melodic Death Metal On To Drink From The Night Itself

At The Gates is another one of those bands that I just never got into. Aware of them? Yes. But growing up when I did when Josh Homme was still a 20-year old kid playing desert rock, The Big Four were all experimenting with the mainstream, and nu-metal was just [...]

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Soft Kill Ready Emotionally Heavy, Sonically Vibrant Savior For Release

The first half of 2018 is filling up with more favorites than I can keep track of. Like Soft Kill who I came across thanks to Decibel, the only magazine I still read, simply because they shared the same review space as Fotocrime (We’ll mention that band again a little [...]

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