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Carissa Johnson & The Cure-Alls Infuse Killer Tunes With Bountiful Amounts Of Heart On Talk Talk Talk

We try not to throw the word “favorite” and “best” around too much because the more it gets typed/said then the less integrity and impact the word has. That said, we also tend to only publish things about artists on this page that we REALLY like so nine times out [...]

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Curvs Create A World Of Sonic Awesome On Hauntropics

Hauntropics is like the greatest soundtrack for a movie that’s yet to be made. Part Guy Ritchie Indie Gangster Flick mixed with the synthetic brilliance of the ’80’s, Curvs has encapsulated all of these unique sounds to make a cohesive and thoroughly engaging album that’ll resound long after the closing [...]

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Black Royal Illuminate The Best Death ‘N’ Roll Since Entombed’s Heyday With Lightbringer

A sort of indescribable slab of metallic greatness, Black Royal’s Lightbringer truly is a bringer of light in these dark times.

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VOWWS Channel Wall Of Voodoo On Spaghetti Western Meets Electro Masterpiece Under the World

I’m always hesitant to type up a review after the release because once it’s out for mass consumption, what’dya need a reviewers opinion for? That said, it takes a special kind of album to compel us to write about it after the fact. VOWWS latest is that kind of an [...]

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Sophia Marshall Takes On Kasabian With lin-dah EP, First In A New Covers Series

Kasabian as you’ve never heard them before! Three tracks by Sophia Marshall and you’ll be totally transfixed on these new vesrions and (almost) forget about what they ever sounded like in the first place. With lin-dah, Marshall injects new life and passion into tracks that were already filled with so [...]

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Stains of a Sunflower Unveil Debut EP, Announce New Tour Dates!

  If “Starlight” alone wasn’t reason enough to convince you why Boston-based Stains of a Sunflower should be your new favorite band then I’m not sure that what we type here will convince you otherwise. But we’ll try regardless!

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