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Spoiler Alert: There Were No Good Old Days [Meet Me In The Bathroom Book Review]

Meet Me In the Bathroom reminds me of the old saying: “You don’t eat until you’re full, you eat until you hate yourself.” In this case, you party until you kind of hate yourself. (Buckle in, buttercups, you’re in my car now.)

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Shroud Eater Bring New Life To Gloom And Doom On Strike the Sun

Brimming with sludge and excitement, Miami’s Shroud Eater exudes excellence on Strike the Sun.

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Moby & The Void Pacific Choir Unexpectedly Deliver The Album You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear In 2017 With More Fast Songs About The Apocalypse

Who’da thunk Moby would put out the first (and best) post-New Wave release of the 21st Century? Is “Post-New Wave” even a thing already? It should be if it isn’t and Moby can be the progenitor. Seriously the greatest album to drop out of nowhere this year, More Fast Songs [...]

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Tyrannosorceress Deliver Monstrous Debut With Shattering Light’s Creation

Yowza! 2017 has got some Black Metal for ya, don’t it???

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Goldie Transcends Drum ‘N’ Bass On Epic Double Album The Journey Man

There’s something oddly soothing about sitting down and pressing play on a new Goldie release….in 2017. Even moreso when you realize the sounds coming out of your listening device are very much Goldie despite the lengthy (Nineteen years!) break of releasing an album of all original material.

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The Ruins of Beverast Bring Unbridled Black Metal Ecstasy On Exuvia

So. Freaking. Intense. Seriously, people. The first track alone is over fifteen minutes long! This is black metal done right! Blast beats, shredding guitars, monstrous vocals, ominous and broad soundscapes and epic beyond epic tunes. This is The Rules Of Beverast and their latest opus, Exuvia, is a doom and [...]

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