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Dead in 5 Go For The Jugular On Schizophrenic Razor Project

With a front man that sounds like Joey Belladonna mixed with Henry Font from NYC’s Pist.On and a sound reminiscent of the more brutal side of Southern heavies Texas Hippie Coalition and Rob Zombie, Dead in 5 create a sound (and an album) that’s wholly original, regardless of the comparisons.

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Jetta In The Ghost Tree Craft The Perfect Debut Album With Clandestine

Albums simply don’t get better than Clandestine, the debut from Brandin Lea’s new band Jetta In The Ghost Tree. With densely structured songs brilliantly executed by Lea and his new cohorts, Clandestine is a blueprint for new bands on how to craft the perfect debut.

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Prong Honor Their Roots On Covers Album, Songs From The Black Hole

Creating the perfect covers album, much like remix albums to an extent, can be a tricky business at times. It takes the right kind of artist and the right collection of songs for one to really stand out. That said, it fills me with an immense amount of pride to [...]

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Motor Sister (AKA Mother Superior Take Two) Deliver Ride

What do you get when you put the guitarist from Anthrax, the bassist from Armored Saint, and the drummer of The Cult in a room with singer Pearl Aday and the former singer of Mother Superior? Simple: So. Much. Rockin’ out! Like a bluesy/more soulful version of Scott Ian’s The [...]

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Dinosaur Eyelids Diversify On Fourth Album, Bypass To Nowhere

New Brunswick, NJ’s Dinosaur Eyelids offer up some diverse, yet familiar, sounds on their latest album. Bypass To Nowhere, their fourth, is a stellar slab of classic rock, grunge, and just some fun ’90’s nostalgia at times that’ll have rock fans on their feet and clamoring for more.

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Noel Gallagher Flies High Again With Sophomore Album, Chasing Yesterday

Much like Oasis’ sophomore opus, Chasing Yesterday will surely be put under the microscope to see if lightning can indeed strike twice and unlike that other Gallagher’s failed band and joke of a sophomore album, Noel succeeds.

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