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Second Grave release Antithesis, prepare to destroy Cambridge on Saturday then the World!

  It’s not often that heavy metal has the perfect combination of ear-crunching music and pristine vocals. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Second Grave play to a sparse crowd at Ralph’s earlier in the year when they managed to hit that mark. Their new EP Antithesis promises not [...]

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Maximo Park is looking to kill a few “Brain Cells” with new single, album.

  The love that Rock And Roll Fables has for Maximo Park knows no bounds. Imagine our surprise yesterday when we turned on the internets yesterday to find that their fifth album had been announced and is barely two months away from release. Due on February 3rd, Too Much Information, [...]

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(the) Melvins are back in 2013 (again) with Tres Cabrones

I’m not sure if there was ever such a thing as a “classic” line up of (the) Melvins because, quite frankly, each and every line up they pop up with is pretty fricking unique and classic in its own right. Nevertheless we now have Tres Cabrones featuring the return of [...]

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Summoner unleash Atlantian. Prepare yourself!

  Getting out of the desert and into the swamp, Summoner’s latest album Atlantian probably has more in common with Black Sabbath or Deliverance-era Corrosion Of Conformity than Kyuss. The opening wall of riffs on “The Gatekeeper” is a good indicator of what the rest of this eight track masterpiece [...]

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Mutoid Man’s Helium Head is the Verge-In album the world needs AND deserves!

Verge-In is here! Sort of! It’s Helium Head, the debut EP from Cave In’s Stephen Brodsky and Converge’s Ben Koller (Or Cave In’s Ben Koller depending on what year it is) new group Mutoid Man! Exclamation! (Hey, you take a listen to this EP on repeat and tell me you’re [...]

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Breton like you even if you’re a Tourist on new single “Envy”!

Steel drums come alive tonight on Breton’s latest single off the forthcoming War Room Stories. There’s not much to say about “Envy” after you hear it once. It’s incredible and expands greatly on the sound the UK based filmmakers-turned-music wizards created on a series of EP’s and on their debut [...]

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