While checking out the latest from Eminem I realized that I am a subscriber to your token “white backwards hat wearing frat guy dude” in terms of my hip hop likes. Beastie Boys, Kanye West, Childish Gambino and yes, Eminem are all staples in my collection (Although I will say [...]
I had the honor of interviewing Middle Class Rut drummer/vocalist Sean Stockham soon after MCR’s second album Pick Up Your Head was released and he mentioned how “Dead Eye” was a last minute addition to the record. Last minute or not, it’s undoubtedly one of the strongest songs on the [...]
The monolithic Pelican is back with a brand spanking new full-length entitled Forever Becoming (Released in October through Southern Lord recordings) and a new tour to accompany it. Recently, guitarist Trevor de Brauw spoke with Rock And Roll Fables about the challenges that awaited the band on album number five, [...]
If you’re reading this then it means that I’ve made it. I’m here all by my lonesome in the blogosphere to regale you with stories, musings, music news, reviews, and whatever nonsensical stuff comes out of my head. Am I sure about what I’m doing most of the time? Hells [...]