Enthralling is probably the most perfect adjective I could think of when describing the music released by Lauren Lakis thus far. Combining this kind of mysticism that Marriages or Chelsea Wolfe exude with a Pop veneer, Lakis is making music that is mysterious and powerful yet accessible.
WARNING: Those of you seeking the next Pantera, Superjoint, Scour, or any number of the heavier projects that vocalist Phil Anselmo has been involved in over the years should turn back now because his latest outfit, En Minor, is the antithesis of ALL of that. Which suits us just fine.
Remember when it was okay to smile…or when something just made you feel really happy? Music does that for me constantly even through all of the current lunacy in the world and it’s artists like Carissa Johnson who keep giving me reasons to turn that perennial frown upside down.
“Fuck yeah! I’m winning!” As far as I’m concerned and echoing Craig Riggs’ opening statement on the newest KIND record, we’re all winning when it comes to Mental Nudge.
The always reliable Suicide Commando is back with a short blast of Industrial/Electro mayhem that will overload your senses and make you yearn for the days when you could dance like no one is watching actually in public at your favorite club. But I digress.
Listening through the opening salvo from Powdered, the fourth full-length from Cavern is like listening to the yearning of Dallas Green off early Alexisonfire records combined with the complexity of anything the Deftones do. The record is dense and daring, profound, prolific, alluring, and downright amazing.