Like the complexity of New England weather and its’ respective changing of the seasons, the newest release from Boston’s Parlour Bells is no less complex and thought-provoking while also managing to encompass those enormous swings in barometric pressure that seem to happen regardless of the date. Most recently on “Slasher [...]
The latest from The Addition is a veritable potpourri of both some of your most favorite yet also some of the most underrated sounds of the ’90’s. Interest piqued yet? Great! Because we think if you’d take Catherine Wheel over Radiohead (Although we could see the argument for either really) [...]
The ghost of Lockgroove is ready to haunt your earholes once more as the brothers’ Rex have returned in Soft Skies Inc with new single “Sooner or Later” that’s so much more than just the next evolution of their sound. Whereas Lockgroove dwelled in the slow burn (Listen more here), [...]
Why we edit 101: On first pass of our review for the upcoming sophomore record from Germany’s Bird’s View we had typed up a lengthy story on how we used to look forward to Alternative Press’ annual “100 Bands You Need To Know…” issue because we’d always find a few [...]
If you’ve yet to experience Ruby Grove in a live setting yet then chances are that your only exposure to the burgeoning Boston-based outfit is their highly infectious (But not in a bad way!) debut single “Maybe It’s Time”. We dug the track a lot (And you can read why [...]
You will never not hook us when you title your new song after one of the most famous lines uttered in an old Spider-Man comic. It also helps that the artist in question here is The Roland High Life who have a penchant for crafting songs regularly within the nerdsphere [...]