If you’re looking to get your fix for bombastic Industrial-tinged Electro bangers in 2019 then look no further because Alpha Bionic from Gabriel and the Apocalypse is almost here! Filled with biting lyrics backed by chugging riffs and a massive wall of electronic ecstasy, Gabriel and the Apocalypse expand their already established sound to get exquisite results on their latest.
Listening to “Systematic Chaos” off the latest and comparing it to the opening salvo off 2017’s The Ghost Parade (“March of the Dolls”) is like hearing two totally different bands. Gabriel 2.0, if you will. On top of all that raw rawk bravado from previous releases is this Electro sheen from Figgles McGee that covers all adding another layer on top of the songwriting and structure prowess found within Alpha Bionic.
Delving further in, “Sonic Bionic” is sexy and slinky building to a huge riff-heavy chorus with Lindy Gabriel warning “No one gets out alive” while “Electro-Mechanical” has this sweeping chorus as Gabriel’s electronic-tinged croon adds some soul to this new machine.
“Cellophane Nation” is an unreal hybrid capturing the inherent dread yet masterful songwriting of The Pale Emperor with the sheer energy and sonic attack of Candyass. And speaking of the God of Goth, “Counting Scars” harnesses that magic from earlier MM releases before culminating with the BEST breakdown as Joey Connelly and Jake LaCore’s guitars battle for riff supremacy.
“Bleed Me An Ocean” is a modern ballad that you didn’t know you needed in your life and answers this question: What would it sound like if “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” merged with “If I Close My Eyes Forever”? And if that wasn’t enough Industrial/Electro awesome that you didn’t know that you needed in your earholes then stay tuned for a creepy ass version of “Beds Are Burning”, originally by Midnight Oil.
“Transcend” provides a proper Industrial Metal throttling replete with Zach Williams’ intricate drum smashing before “Disgraceful Bliss” closes out Alpha… which begins with this tribal build, almost akin to Stabbing Westward’s monolithic closer “Can’t Happen Here” off Ungod, but diverts when Gabriel and the Apocalypse go for subtlety over sonic excess and that works even better.
Alpha Bionic will be released…no, UNLEASHED on April 12th through Pavement Entertainment. You can pre-order your very own by clicking here or here. If you missed Gabriel and the Apocalypse’s most recent tour with the likes of Genitorturers, Orgy, and Lords of Acid then you best pay close attention to their socials here and here to make sure you never miss them again when they hit your town.