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Singles! Close To Monday, “Only Man”

We love to discover an artist and it’s like walking into the middle of a movie you’ve never seen and trying to figure out what’s going on (Although as avid movie nerds we don’t suggest you ever do that if possible). Take Darkwave Synth duo Close To Monday for example who, for all of 2024, […]

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Singles! Girl With A Hawk, “#VOTE (Rock The Boat)”

Even if there wasn’t an important message attached to the newest single from Girl With A Hawk, being a member of our vaunted “Will drop everything to cover” club guarantees that “#VOTE (Rock The Boat)” was going to be featured here. As it is! Right now!

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Singles! Falsely Accused, “A Drink Before the War”

On first listen through the latest single from New England’s Falsely Accused and we’re transported back to the mid-’90’s and the years of seemingly endless discovery and exploration into what would eventually shape what is our ever expanding musical identity. That’s deep, right? But it’s true! Maybe you’ll find that [...]

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PIG Cap Off Productive 2024 Unleashing More New Music With Feast Of Agony EP Ahead Of Cold Waves Appearance, North American Tour

There was a post from us a few years back when Raymond Watts was revving up the PIG machine again and while we were already elated at new material finally coming our way again we became more ecstatic at the wealth of new material being released as well with singles [...]

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En Esch Returns With Friends, Unleashes First New Full-Length In 8 Years On Electro-Fueled Odyssey Dance Hall Putsch

2024 has turned out to be a fantastic year for the KMFDM family tree. The Lord of Lard started it off earlier with the release of PIG’s Red Room (Reviewed by us here) followed by the recent resurrection and remastering of Sinsation followed by an EP called Feast of Agony [...]

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Parlour Bells Drum Up Diverse Array Of Debonair New Songs On Divine To Be Or Not To Behave

Like the complexity of New England weather and its’ respective changing of the seasons, the newest release from Boston’s Parlour Bells is no less complex and thought-provoking while also managing to encompass those enormous swings in barometric pressure that seem to happen regardless of the date. Most recently on “Slasher [...]

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Singles! The Addition, “Shows on Repeat”

The latest from The Addition is a veritable potpourri of both some of your most favorite yet also some of the most underrated sounds of the ’90’s. Interest piqued yet? Great! Because we think if you’d take Catherine Wheel over Radiohead (Although we could see the argument for either really) [...]

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