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Cameron Keiber: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation Pt.1

“It’s just you. If this album fails miserably, and people say it sucks, then it’s on me, too. And that’s fine.“ You might know singer/songwriter Cameron Keiber from bands like Eldridge Rodriguez or The Beatings but we know him as the person responsible for some of the silliest back and forth with the front person […]

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Jokes! Rob Crean, Sadly Sackerton

Jokes! is back and for our belated latest column we’re focusing on some local laughs from Rob Crean and his new album, Sadly Sackerton. A staple of the Boston comedy scene for years, Crean could usually be found hosting The Gas over at Great Scott back in the day when [...]

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Witchskull Lead A New Doom Frontier On A Driftwood Cross

A refreshing slab of intricately woven Doom, the latest from Australia’s Witchskull is a must listen in 2020. Mixing Sabbath-style darkness with the experimental nature of Desert Rawk legends like Kyuss, A Driftwood Cross is an evolution of Doom and an album that should set the bar for the genre [...]

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Stay Inside Offer Contactless Sonic Joy On Emotive Post-Hardcore Viewing

There’s a lot happening in the world right now so it’s great to have perspective. Sure, you can be bummed that a particular show isn’t happening or a movie isn’t coming out this year, or some sporting event is postponed but through perseverance we’ll get through this and some semblance [...]

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The Brains Celebrate Psychobilly In Style With Outstanding Satana Tarantula

If you were ever curious, I listen to EVERYTHING that comes across my virtual desk. Doesn’t matter if it’s a genre I’m particularly invested in because in the interest of remaining objective to all, I say “What the hell!” and give it a shot. That said, I think I like [...]

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Square Ape Perfect The Rawk process On Debut EP

Boston is lucky to have an artist like Dug McCormack. From Psychic Dog to BALUCHITHERIUM and more, he presents different facets of Boston Rawk. As a songwriter he’s explored a diverse variety of genres that merges the RAWK with fusion, jazz elements even and an all around experimental style wrapped [...]

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Singles! Rorschach Test, “Enable Me”

One of the more surprising comebacks recently has been the return of Industrial juggernaut Rorshach Test who made a name for themselves in the late ’90’s on Slipdisc Records with Unclean featuring the driving anthem “Satan” and their hyper-scorching cover of Berlin’s “Sex” being particular stand outs. As of late, [...]

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