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Cameron Keiber: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation Pt.2

“It’s like having a puzzle that only you know how it all fits together and then when you complete that puzzle, it feels really fucking good. It feels really fucking great.” To quote one of our most favorite SNL skits of all time: “And we’re baaaack!” But first, didja catch the first part of our […]

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Bones UK Hit The Road Again, Drop Unplugged EP

It is imperative for those of you attending any upcoming Breaking Benjamin and Korn show to arrive in time to see opener Bones UK who is guaranteed to rawk your socks off. That said, you should probably bring an extra pair of socks to the show. Unless they sell socks [...]

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Singles! Rx27, “Chasing Crazy”

The new year brings loads of new tunes like the latest infectious little ditty from Los Angeles-based Rx27 who follow up last year’s excellent Goth rawker “Gasoline” with “Chasing Crazy”.

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Cancel All Other Rawk Albums For 2020! ÆGES Has Delivered The Only Record You Need To Hear In The New Year With DROMMEN.

If you’ve followed the trajectory of ÆGES then you’d know that they’ve become so much more than that band that featured that guy from Pelican that one time (Their debut, The Bridge, featured Pelican skinsman Larry Herweg in their ranks). And if you haven’t followed their trajectory then you know [...]

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New Crowbar! Dates With Down! But First! The Year Of Windstein Begins With Long-Awaited Debut Solo Album, Dream in Motion

Crowbar has a new album coming out this year! Down will be celebrating 25 years since their seminal debut was released! AND we get Kirk Windstein’s first ever solo outing to boot? How are we all so lucky? And most importantly, how is Kirk Windstein so goddamn amazing to bestow [...]

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Singles! Otto Kinzel, “I Bleed For You”

Multi-instrumentalist Otto Kinzel (Dust Prophet, Skin Drone) has unleashed his most revealing body of work with the release of “I Bleed For You” which is available now.

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Dead Friends Channel Some Heavy Greats On Hard Rawkin’ High, Wasted Genes

Does it take away from the message when you describe something as heavy as High, Wasted Genes from Virginia’s Dead Friends as “fun”? Because it really is. Despite the pummeling riffs and the overall intensity, the five songs contained within their latest EP is definitely one helluva good time to [...]

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