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Cameron Keiber: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation Pt.2

“It’s like having a puzzle that only you know how it all fits together and then when you complete that puzzle, it feels really fucking good. It feels really fucking great.” To quote one of our most favorite SNL skits of all time: “And we’re baaaack!” But first, didja catch the first part of our […]

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Travels With Brindle Switch Up Synths For Strums (Of The Ukulele Variety), Tackle Sparks Classic On No. 1 in Heaven Starring Travels With Brindle

We’ll admit that we don’t know the Sparks catalog as well as we should. However! We will admit that we know Travels With Brindle pretty well right now and more importantly: We know what we like! And we definitely like TWB! And everything that lead Brindle’r Chelsea Spear has put [...]

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Singles! Smitt E. Smitty, “#1 Most Likely”

Well, we might’ve missed the intended window on this one but a belated Valentine’s is better than no Valentine’s at all, right? Or is that regarding birthdays? Or anniversaries??? Well, whatever the case the point is that the collective, the conclave, the group, the gang, the PARTY known as Smitt [...]

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Singles! Sunday Junkie, “Sister”

We really don’t want to sound like a broken record here but it’s true: Sunday Junkie is indeed getting better and better with each release. Or maybe they’ve always been the best and this is all just a ruse as they strategically put out new songs that they’ve already ranked [...]

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March Of Scylla Bring Atmosphere, Aural Intensity On Debut LP Andromeda

Sometimes the FFO section gets the assignment and in this case and on this release they did exactly just that with comparisons to Gojira, Tesseract, and Sleep Token thrown about throughout the press release for Andromeda, the upcoming debut full-length from France’s March Of Scylla. We’d also love to add [...]

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Singles! Girl With A Hawk, “No One Like You”

A song about loss inspired by the sudden passing of Foo Fighters’ Taylor Hawkins… but hopeful? We’re not a gambling site by any means but If any artist was to pull off turning a feeling of universal melancholy into some truly magical musical moments (And, more often than not, simply [...]

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Kaiser Returns For A Second Helping With Sonically Sumptuous (And Aptly Titled!) 2nd Sound

This is one of those records that immediately struck us when we initially heard it (Single “Brotha” was on repeat a LOT when we first received that one) so we immediately started a draft… then promptly moved onto the next shiny new title in our queue and left the in-the-works [...]

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