It’s been a bit since we last checked in on Temptress and in that time, the Manchester, New Hampshire-based outfit has released 2 full-length records (’23’s We Are and ’24’s The Time Traveller’s Continuum) which has only strengthened the band’s legacy as New England’s preeminent modern cyber metallers.
We’ll admit that beyond knowing about a guest spot or two on some recent KMFDM outings, we knew little of Sweden’s Morlocks and that’s on us for not investigating more because once we FINALLY caught them live in 2024 (Again with KMFDM) we were hooked! That said, we were super [...]
We’re going to be completely honest here: The prospect of covering an artist with the moniker “titsdickass” (Or “TDA” if you’re not comfortable?) pretty much got this New York-based outfit through the door here. Luckily, the music backed up the necessity to share in these pages (And let’s be real, [...]
It’s funny but sometimes it’s a tough job to put into words when talking up a wholly instrumental album which is probably why we tend to be super picky when one comes our way that’s not local or named Pelican. That said, there was something so expressive and so vibrant [...]
If you’ve been with us for a bit then you know the dealio already: In a given year, the moment some song/artist/album clicks with us we immediately begin a draft compiling what will eventually be our year end best list that’s ranked and made up of what we thought were [...]
Listening to any new Circus Trees is akin to witnessing a sort of chrysalis on the regular. And that’s not to say that the core of the Marlborough outfit is really changing either. It’s more that, despite the heavy content of their songs to match the heavy nature of their [...]