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Blame Zeus Deliver Hard Rocking Soul On Sophomore Album Theory of Perception

The rock ‘n’ roll spirit of the Wilson sisters has been going through a resurgence as of late thanks to killer outings from Mlny Parsonz (Royal Thunder) and Nicole Estill (True Widow). One you may not have heard of, though, is vocalist Sandra Oliveira of Portugal’s Blame Zeus who even [...]

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Jacob Bannon Goes Solo With Wear Your Wounds (Album Review)

Take “Grim Heart/Black Rose” off of Converge’s No Heroes, expand it even more and structure an entire album out of it and you’ll have a small inkling of what Wear Your Wounds brings to the table. That’s, of course, oversimplifying the latest project from Jacob Bannon because just like the [...]

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Peter Murphy Strips Down Live On Latest Album Bare-Boned And Sacred

Live albums either suck or they don’t. There’s no gray area here. Your album either manages to truly capture that live energy, those different/updated versions of classics, and gives fans a sense of what it’s like to witness the performance in person (Or live it over and over again for [...]

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RIP Baddies, Long Live BAIT!

Back in the day (And on another blog), I used to do an annual post basically ripping apart Alternative Press’s “100 Bands You Need To Hear In _____” issue. Maybe ripped apart is a bit harsh so let’s say pointed out which of those 100 bands featured actually deserved some [...]

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Wounded Giant Bring New Shades Of Doom And Gloom On Vae Victis

An epic six track slab of monolithic proportions, Wounded Giant’s Vae Victis embodies everything that can be great in the world of desert rawk.

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Ghastly Sound Release Debut EP, Singlehandedly Save Rock And Roll In The Process

Like a mix of Torche and Kylesa’s brand of sludge rawk fronted by someone who can bring a Dickinsonian monster croon one minute and a brash growl the next, Ghastly Sound just might be the band to give current rawk and/or roll the swift kick in the ass it so [...]

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