You ever try out a new song from a new artist, regardless of the genre, and immediately following its’ conclusion just declare “Wow! That was beautiful!” Just us? Well, maybe not once the newest from arrives on the scene!
Didja miss Canyons and Locusts? Well, they are back with another burst of unbridled bombast that’ll be in and out of your headspace before you know it guaranteeing necessary repeat listens which herald the coming of a brand new concept record due in 2025!
Based on what we heard just from “OMNI” off of the THE BROWNING’s latest full-length of the same name we will buy into whatever THE DEFECT (Who is featured on that track and shares THE BROWNING’s Jonny McBee in their lineup) is selling from now until the end of time. [...]
You can’t get more DIY than breaking into your old studio in order to film a new video that’s also an homage to an earlier video. Or maybe that’s a circle of life thing? Whatever the analogy, Linnea’s Garden is capping off a steady stream of video and single releases [...]
Ohhhhhhh, this is one of those songs that’s going to rattle around in ye olde headspace for quite some time, innit? Not sure how we turned British in there but that’s just the kind of thing that may happen when the new single from Ghost on TV gets trapped inside [...]
What we know of the Omaha music scene is that both The Faint and Bright Eyes emerged from there. We loooooove The Faint, Bright Eyes not so much. The Tale Untold sounds like neither of them. At all. But if you like your NE-based music of the heavier variety then [...]