What we know of the Omaha music scene is that both The Faint and Bright Eyes emerged from there. We loooooove The Faint, Bright Eyes not so much. The Tale Untold sounds like neither of them. At all. But if you like your NE-based music of the heavier variety then [...]
We like to think we get to most submissions that come our way in a timely manner. But that’s not always the case. However! We do like to think that if it’s something that appeals to us then, regardless of timeliness, we definitely get to it no matter what… and [...]
We like to think that most bands are always evolving so it’s nice that we can always count on The Shallows to come out of left field with each new release being another step forward toward their final form especially on “Murder Your Darlings” which brings a sound that’s unrivaled [...]
We’d like to think that we’re one of the few reviewers out there able to imbibe the aptly titled “Hello Helles Lager” from Deep Cut in Medford while reviewing the new full length from Miracle Blood called, yep, Hello Hell. Does that make this review better than the others? We’d [...]
If ever you were in search of a blueprint on how you do a comeback album right, Count Zero’s thought so should be somewhere on that reference list. After 13 years, the Boston-based quintet is back with an eclectic collection of 10 sonic offerings that serves as both a fresh [...]
We might be late to the party but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been listening the high holy hell out of the debut single from Sunday Junkie! Were you, like us, absolutely enthralled by the performances that Not Bad Not Well delivered during the 2023 Rock & Roll Rumble? Or [...]