In a time where shows are cancelled, movies are pulled from release schedules and live sports entertainment is indefinitely postponed, it’s nice to know that the constant flow of new music being released hasn’t stopped yet. And what better way to take your mind off the horrors of the outside world (Because you’re practicing “social distancing”, right???) than new music from Eliza & The Delusionals!
On A STATE OF LIVING IN AN OBJECTIVE REALITY, Australia’s Eliza & The Delusionals offer up a surprisingly cathartic batch of new tunes that’s just the sort of thing to take our collective minds off the daily drudgery if only for a short time because as always, music=catharsis.
But I digress.
“Swimming Pool” is Alt-Rawk bliss with soaring guitar lines, a steady beat, and Eliza Klatt’s angelic croons blanketing it all so serenely. Then there’s “Pull Apart Heart” which is a scorching anthem ripped straight out of the ’80’s when artists like Bryan Adams and Def Leppard dropped stadium-sized sermons like nobody’s business. We reviewed “Just Exist” back in December (Read it here!) and inside the walls of ASOLIAOR the song is just as crushing while “ALIVE” is certifiably electric. Ending with “Feel It All (And Nothing)” and Klatt’s masterful vibrato, Eliza & The Delusionals conclude their sophomore release on yet another promising note…or some promising notes…as their new school brand of Alternative brings a much needed reprieve from the world we currently live in.
A STATE OF LIVING IN AN OBJECTIVE REALITY is out through Cooking Vinyl on March 20th. Pre-order your very own here. Coincidentally, Friday the 20th is also the day that Bandcamp will be waiving their revenue share on sales so that artists can be supported during this global crisis (Read: Buy the damn EP on Friday between midnight to midnight Pacific time). For the latest on Eliza & The Delusionals, including when you’ll be able to next see them in a live setting, follow their socials by clicking here, here, or here.