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ESA Return With A New Collection Of Sinister Synthesized Symphonies On Eat Their Young/The Scorn EP

February 7th is significant not only because ESA’s last full-length dropped but it also happens to be the day that I saw my last live show before the shit hit the fan in the world. Since then we’ve had an ongoing apocalypse which has allowed me (some) more time to write and artists more time to create. Like the aforementioned ESA who will unleash a new EP featuring one half of our current Negative Gain loves, Corlyx, on the title track.

“Eat Their Young” is a perfect bleak, dissonant Electro beast for the current end of days with J Blacker growling out the chorus while Caitlin Stokes croons. Following the successful pairing from Burial 10 (On “You are Safe Here”, read what we thought about the album and song here), Blacker and Stokes concoct the most macabre call-and-response while calculated chaos reigns supreme and beats thump and throb.

“The Scorn”, on the other hand, is the kind of thing that The Prodigy would make if Liam Howlett embraced his Heavy Dance roots and stayed away from mainstream fare like “Firestarter” or “Breathe”. In other words, “The Scorn” is a badass bouncin’ banger. Before a Moaan Exis remix of “Eat Their Young” closes up the EP, listeners get treated to one more original in the form of “It Takes Over” which is a pulsating ghostly drum and bass masterpiece and a stark reminder why Blacker is one of the best programmers in modern Electro today who sometimes says more with a general vibe over a voice.

Eat Their Young/The Scorn is out now from Negative Gain and can be yours right this instant by clicking here. For more on ESA, follow them on the socials by clicking here or here.

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