Okay, I’m going to go there already and declare Once Human’s upcoming third full-length as the first must-hear Metal release of 2022. Imbued with the best kind of magic that causes the music to sound better and better with each repeated listen, Scar Weaver is a trip that demands your full attention from the instant “Eidolon” and all its’ glorious guitar fury kicks the record off through to the closing pangs of the Modern Groove Metal classic of “Only In Death”.
I recently went back and listened to debut The Life I Remember for research and it’s truly mind boggling hearing the band that brought you gems like “You Cunt” evolve through the years into this fine oiled machine they are today. The aforementioned “Eidolon” is a definitive ripper and just the tip of the Scar Weaver sonic iceberg. Damien Rainaud’s bouncing bass, Dillon Trollope’s rumbling percussive attacks and Logan Mader and Max Karon’s shared shreds lay the foundation while Lauren Hart immediately stands out with a throated growl akin to Angela Gossow’s legendary O.G. Arch Enemy pipes tempered with glistening bouts of melody and a softer side that opens up the Once Human musical palette to exciting new endeavors.
And how cool is it that Machine Head’s Robb Flynn shows up on “Deadlock”??? Kind of the tip of that Burn My Eyes reunion with Mader from a few years back now (Coincidentally, my last show before lockdown), Flynn’s appearance brings with it a little bit of a Headcase seal of approval as well on a vocal sparring match between the General and OH’s resident Dry Lung Vocal Martyr with, if we’re being honest, Hart coming out on top in this particular round. The title track enters next and provides a monstrous soundtrack for Hart’s monstrous performance while “Where The Bones Lie” is a full-fledged pummeler with a raucous rhythmic onslaught from Trollope and Rainaud as Hart’s vox soar into this tremendous chorus.
“Erasure” features a sick call and response between Hart and…herself on a track that’s Power Prog at times with Rainaud’s buoyant bass ricocheting off Karon and Mader’s gargantuan guitar tones and “Deserted” is just elemental in scope, godlike Metal even with massive choruses and some massive musical moments.
And then fans are blessed with the OH version of one of the greatest Metal songs by one of the greatest Metal outfits. Did you figure it out? We’re of course talking about Strapping Young Lad and Alien‘s blistering “We Ride” which Once Human cover so eloquently. It’s almost as great as the original even! Almost. And it’s another example of how Hart is one of the greatest modern Metal vocalists out there today, equally rippin’ it up and tearin’ it up with a unique take on Devin Townsend’s decidedly otherworldly range as Mader and Karon ludicrously shreds away to mimic one of the most prolific/zaniest heavy songwriters of today. And is that “Larry” making a vocal guest appearance in there somewhere, too?
“Cold Arrival” gets back into the OH Groove all proper-like but has some of that ominous SYL air lingering with an especially spacious guitar sound and even more spacious vox leading into the crushing cataclysmic closer of “Only In Death” which leans into those Groove Metal aspects and then some to gift one final sonic bite that’ll leave fans succinctly satiated until the next Once Human offering arrives.
Scar Weaver drops on February 11th through earMUSIC and you can get your pre-order and pre-save on NOW when you head here. For the latest on Once Human, follow the trail of socials by clicking here, here, or here.