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Cameron Keiber Leans On Programming, Profound And Poignant Tales With Debut Solo Release Nurser

Ohhhh, is this going to be one of those reviews where we try to be cheeky and make the opening paragraph all “What we initially thought we were going to start with was this but then we went in this other direction instead…” and try to sneakily sneak in all of what we wanted to […]

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Singles! A Cause In Distress, “Lumbering”

“The three-headed lovechild of Nine Inch Nails, Fugazi & Radiohead, if it was fathered by David Lynch.”

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Pulp Rawk: Unfuckwithable: A Guide to Inspired Badassery By Lindsay Manfredi

I’m an avid reader but try to stay away from self-help books because they’re just not my thing. I do love autobiographies, though, so if you kind of merge the two then you have piqued my interest. Add that the author is from one of my all-time favorite bands and [...]

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Fatigue Delve Deeper Into Darkwave On Intriguing Illusory Things

On Illusory Things, Lowell’s Darkwave genius Fatigue enter the next stage of their Electro evolution with eleven aural arias of awesome sure to cause a palpitation or two within your Gothic black heart. Written and recorded following surgery and while in self-quarantine (Sounds like the start of my 2020 as [...]

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ESA Return With A New Collection Of Sinister Synthesized Symphonies On Eat Their Young/The Scorn EP

February 7th is significant not only because ESA’s last full-length dropped but it also happens to be the day that I saw my last live show before the shit hit the fan in the world. Since then we’ve had an ongoing apocalypse which has allowed me (some) more time to [...]

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Howling Giant And Sergeant Thunderhoof Team Up, Create Majestic Musical Interpretation Of A Painting By Sara-Jane Swettenham For Latest Ripple Music Experiment Turned to Stone Chapter II

There is so much that is right with this two-song split by Howling Giant and Sergeant Thunderhoof. Firstly, can you say epic??? A forty-minute runtime between two bands supplying a song each. Do the math. Secondly, I know of Howling Giant already and they rule. Thirdly, I did not know [...]

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Jaye Jayle Explores Synthetic Soundscapes On Moody Prisyn

Jaye Jayle creates the kind of music that is tantamount to current times. It’s bleak and downtrodden and with Prisyn, pretty quirky and strange….so yeah, pretty much 2020 to a T. On the newest full-length, multi-instrumentalist Evan Patterson teams with Chelsea Wolfe’s Ben Chisholm to concoct the most unique Jaye [...]

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