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Singles! Wayward Vine, “Implode”

What we’ve found since diving into the Wayward Vine well of awesome is that, in the lead up to their upcoming album, you never know what you’re gonna get sonically. There’s stuff out there like “Narcissist’s Disguise” which brings a certain kind of somber Pop while most recent single “History” is a modern Alterna-classic in […]

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Glacier Ready The Soundtrack Of Your Fall With Grand Post-Metal Opus A Distant, Violent Shudder

If you’re in serious need of/can’t wait for Pelican’s next slab of awesomesauce that’s (as of now) due in 2025 then by all means, the upcoming new record from Glacier is for you. However, while the complex instrumental heaviness similarities might be your gateway into Glacier we’re pretty sure that [...]

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Singles! Travels With Brindle, “Tryouts For The Human Race”

We have no problem declaring that the only ukulele-driven artist that we’d ignore every open streaming tab and currently-in-the-process-of-editing drafts for is Boston’s own Travels With Brindle (And believe you me, you’d be surprised at the amount of ukulele-centric music we DO get). Being local is definitely a bonus but [...]

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DnA’s Evolution Get Crafty And Creative On Expansive Third LP Curious of Nothing

We’re big fans of fuzzy Rawk at the RNRF offices especially when done well and ESPECIALLY if it happens to be both (Done well + Fuzzy Rawk). Massachusetts’ DnA’s Evolution ticks off both those boxes on the regular and do it gloriously on their latest full-length, Curious of Nothing, which [...]

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Vended Vanquish Comparisons On Stunning Self-Titled Debut

The comparisons to that band are gonna be inevitable so might as well just get them out of the way now, right? Elephant in the room: 2 of the 5 members of Vended happen to be the offspring of 2 of the 9 (Is it still 9???) members of a [...]

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Amiensus Aim To Reclaim The Top Heavy Spot In 2024 With Reclamation Pt.II

Look, to be clear, Amiensus’ Reclamation Pt.I which arrived in April was a stellar entry into an already dynamic catalog. That said, Reclamation Pt.II blows all of that away. Definitely our most favorite from the Minnesota collective, possibly their best to date, and most certainly their heaviest. In fact! We [...]

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Singles! Damndest, “My Heaven”

Damndest make our kind of music. The kind that’s Synth flavored, anthemic, driving, and just all around moving. It’s a kind of modern Shoegaze Post-Rawk in the vein of Tombstones in Their Eyes mixed with Bear In Heaven’s sparkling Electro tendencies and Telekinesis’ brand of Indie anthem-making. And we dig [...]

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