2024 has been a year of great comebacks from many a band that were putting out some of the most compelling albums that we not only still listen to today but also helped shaped a lot of what we love about heavy music. One of the most surprising resurrections this year has to be Phoenix, Arizona-based Rorschach Test who exploded out of the Slipdisc Records era of the late ’90’s which also gave us bands like 16Volt, Drown, and The Clay People to name a few.
Even then RT stood out with a more hybrid sound that effortlessly walked the line between Industrial Noise and straight up Heavy Metal and probably the reason why Unclean from that time is still in, ahem, heavy rotation over at the RNRF office. Over the years there’s been many false starts from the James Baker-led outfit but 2024 has seen a steady stream of new singles (“Fallen”, “Belated”), a 2025 tour announcement and a brand spanking new full-length on top of that called Fallen which is just about ready for the masses.
You never know how a band you used to dig is going to sound after some time away but backed by The Narcoleptic Goddess (Bass) and Kolby Peoples (Guitars, Fallen co-producer) as songwriting partners, Baker has managed to successfully craft a record that truly embodies the essence of all that Rorschach Test represents to the extent that we think the phrase “Back and better than ever” might’ve been coined specifically with Fallen in mind.
“Our Brand Is Armageddon” is both classic Rorschach Test if you had the pleasure of knowing them previously but also a sign of what’s to come with Baker’s hushed vocals sauntering in amidst an electronic loop before opening up into some huge chunky riffage from Kolby Peoples and Baker’s more maniacal persona barking at the mic during the heavier moments. “Machine Gun Love” doesn’t let up in the slightest unveiling a lyrical flow that can’t be beat as the bass and guitar lay out a propulsive pummeling leading into first single “Fallen” which was initially released back in April and subtly hearkens back to the vibe of Unclean in the vein of those vulnerable yet vicious tracks like “Monster” or “Clean” backed by a steady percussive stomping as Baker preaches and one of the coolest RT riff configurations from both the bass and guitar that leads into a crushing chorus.
Need a break yet? Well, “Embracing The Shadow” won’t provide the respite you’re looking for with Baker’s commanding voice lording as some sick shreds from Peoples rise up with “Insecticide” following and bringing a more Hard Rawk kind of beatdown. We were lucky enough to get an early listen to “Trigger” and inside of Fallen it’s even better with Baker shouting “My Trauma Hits Me Without Notice/Ready Get Set Annnnnnnd GO!” to start and highlighted by a glistening chorus that sounds unlike anything Rorschach Test has laid down to date.
“Save The Bees” is an Industrial Metal leaning crusher built around this glowing chorus which sounds as potent today as when Unclean was released in 1998 and “Silence” is a haunting one that’s just dripping with cool with a jazzy/swing style led by Baker’s sweeping vocals and a hypnotic bass line from The Narcoleptic Goddess creating the kind of atmosphere that’s a makes the hairs on the back of your neck kind of brilliance. Closing out Fallen is “Belated”, a touching true tome and somber soliloquy that’s heavy and heartfelt as it touches on the topic of suicide and depression for possibly the most powerful performance to end this perfect comeback record.
Fallen arrives on Halloween through Unlabeled Artists and you can pre-save here and pre-order here. For more from Rorschach Test, including info about their upcoming West Coast/Pacific Northwest tour in early 2025, follow the socials when you head here, here, or here.