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Singles! A Cause In Distress, “Modern Commerce”

As a primer to prepare to sit down and listen to the latest single from A Cause In Distress I took it upon myself to listen to their previous one, “Lumbering”, over and over. And over and over again. And over some more (Okay, like five times in a row tops). You know, for research. And also because that debut single from the Southend trio is still so effing good (Read our review here). So, you can guess where the expectations are for “Modern Commerce”, yeah?

But I digress.

Where “Lumbering” was this frenetic, punch in the face of Electro Rawk, “Modern Commerce” is more thoughtful, emerging from these steady tones from Dominic Robinson and an all around hypnotic vibe that’s cult-like with the way it captivates. Liam Watkins’ synths this time out are MASSIVE just as his voice takes on a hymnal quality that’s at times a mix of Gavin Clark and Mike Vennart as it merges into the larger background noise that absolutely surrounds all. Topped with Watkins and Owen Foran’s guitar work here which is so meticulous and precise that’s it’s nearly discernible from the world of synthetic sound raging around them and you have the makings of one formidable follow-up single.

If A Cause In Distress isn’t immediately one of your new favorite bands after hearing “Modern Commerce” then you might just have to give up on appreciating music altogether. Sorry, it has already been decreed as law by the almighty Rawk gods.

“Modern Commerce” is out now via Cool Thing Records and can be listened to at loud volumes through all of your favorite streaming services, some of which are linked here. For more on A Cause In Distress, follow the trail of socials by heading here, here, or here.

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One Response

  1. Fantastic piece of futuristic sound in my opinion. This band is certainly one to watch out for. Can’t wait for their next release.

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