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Cameron Keiber: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation Pt.1

“It’s just you. If this album fails miserably, and people say it sucks, then it’s on me, too. And that’s fine.“ You might know singer/songwriter Cameron Keiber from bands like Eldridge Rodriguez or The Beatings but we know him as the person responsible for some of the silliest back and forth with the front person […]

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Lamb Of God Unleash Self-Titled Slab Of Monumental Heaviness With Eighth Full-Length

There’s no doubt about it: The shoes that strike the pedals behind the kit of Chris Adler’s former post are some pretty big ones to fill. Lucky for Lamb Of God (And for us, the fans), the man chosen to fill those shoes is none other than Art Cruz. In [...]

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Singles! Like A Motorcycle, “Wide Awake”

You will not hear a more kickass Rawk song than “Wide Awake” this month. The second taste from the upcoming full-length, Dead Broke, “Wide Awake” is an anthem and a half from the Halifax quartet and a hopeful sign of what’s to come following the release of “Idols” in April.

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The Joy Thieves Conjure Up Industrial’s Next Great Romantic Anthem With Genocide Love Song

I just can’t keep up with the amount of awesome that The Joy Thieves seemingly put out there on the regular.

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The Sounds Return With Retro-Futuristic Rawker Things We Do For Love

Listening through the latest from The Sounds will immediately compel listeners to go back and peruse the lush catalog that the Swedish quintet has already amassed. Not for nostalgia but more for a refresher and an education on how to evolve right in this industry.

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Baron Minker Drops Groovy Psychedelic Rollercoaster Ride, Definitive Alternative Summer Soundtrack With Self-titled Debut

Groove-oriented with notes of Trip-Hop, Hip-Hop, Funk, and New Wave in there, the self-titled debut from Baron Minker is an odd duck of an album that miraculously works on a number of levels. Looking for that perfect alternative summer album to counter all the Pop crap crammed into yer ears? [...]

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A Rock And Roll Fables Feature: Damn Nation

I started this piece with an epic diatribe about how I paid my dues going to shows and that I don’t need to show up early anymore because of that fact and how, thanks to the interwebs, I can make magic happen so I show up at the right time [...]

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