What better way to start off our favorite season of the year (And christen a new seasonal column to boot!) than with one of the coolest local outfits debuting a new song about vampires… or at least vampire-related! Still! Horror stuff! From Phantom Ocean!
We didn’t care for Digimortal, the last “proper” Fear Factory record, at all (Read: All 4 original members on the same recording). The Cyber Metal vets at a crossroads, Nu-Metal setting the Heavy world on fire, and a band not sure if they wanted to be just a heavier Linkin [...]
Even if there wasn’t an important message attached to the newest single from Girl With A Hawk, being a member of our vaunted “Will drop everything to cover” club guarantees that “#VOTE (Rock The Boat)” was going to be featured here. As it is! Right now!
On first listen through the latest single from New England’s Falsely Accused and we’re transported back to the mid-’90’s and the years of seemingly endless discovery and exploration into what would eventually shape what is our ever expanding musical identity. That’s deep, right? But it’s true! Maybe you’ll find that [...]
There was a post from us a few years back when Raymond Watts was revving up the PIG machine again and while we were already elated at new material finally coming our way again we became more ecstatic at the wealth of new material being released as well with singles [...]
2024 has turned out to be a fantastic year for the KMFDM family tree. The Lord of Lard started it off earlier with the release of PIG’s Red Room (Reviewed by us here) followed by the recent resurrection and remastering of Sinsation followed by an EP called Feast of Agony [...]