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Digital Eulogy Bring Infectious Energy To Timeless Tracks On Debut EP Cemetery Flowers

Digital Eulogy make the kind of music that when you hear it, you’ll drop everything you’re doing and just allow yourself to be immersed in the enticing tunes being driven through your speakers. We did just that upon hearing debut single “Collapse” last month and gladly did it yet again when their first EP, Cemetery Flowers, landed unexpectedly on our digital desk the other day. Chances are when you hear the infectious energy of the timeless tunes that Digital Eulogy produce, you’ll do the same.

But I digress.

“Split” is a great intro for the uninitiated with slamming drums, feedback-soaked guitars, and anthemic hooks to welcome listeners to the raucous sonic party that Digital Eulogy hosts so well while “Black Roses” is a harrowing modern Rawk dirge that explores the murkier side of Grunge and is s decidedly different, but welcome, tone so far in the DE catalog.

We waxed poetic about “Collapse” a ton back when the song debuted in January (Read our full report here) but within the context of Cemetery Flowers, the scope and intent of the track is even more grand. Following that beauty, “Grave” is a pummeling punchy number featuring Defeater’s Jay Maas who trades screams as the riffs roll down like an avalanche.

“Relapse” is a sonic palette cleanser combining all the sweet and serene things and sees the quartet traversing new sonic ground before perfectly segueing into “Addict” which really shows the Digital Eulogy depth by hitting hard despite the heavy with crying guitars succinctly conveying the tone as a subdued vocal delivery subtly serves as the emotional counterpoint.

Cemetery Flowers arrives on February 5th via No Sleep Records. You can listen to it then through all your favorite streaming services like the ones linked here and here. For more on Digital Eulogy, follow them across their social media pages here, here, and here.

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