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Godzillionaire Offer Kaiju-Sized Songs On Shining Sophomore Opus Diminishing Returns

Here’s one of those “We started this review this way but upon revisiting decided to scrap it all and start anew!” posts, okay? The remnants of what we had started summed up: We were (are still) working on our 2025 preview (Soon, we swear!) and found it serendipitous that when piecing together the spot for Godzillionaire based solely on single “Drowning All Night”, the full-length arrived across ye olde digital desk! Another remnant: If we were still doing that “What’s In A Name?” column on the regular then a band with the moniker of “Godzillionaire” would most definitely make it in. Thus concludes today’s TED Talk on the “RNRF editing process”.

Anyway! The rest of the notes we have on the actual songs that make up Godzillionaire’s sophomore opus, Diminishing Returns, still hold up so now you’re all caught up. Now getting back to the song that started it all for us, “Drowning All Night” is an enrapturing opener for not only the album but what we could only guess would be an electrifying live set. Michael Dye’s bass and Cody Romaine’s drums keep listeners on their toes throughout and Ben White gives a glimmer of the guitar power to come as the Bluesy/Soulful croon of Mark Hennessy shines on. Hennessy, of course, previously fronted Paw and if you have a name like the one listed in the credits for writing this piece then you’re definitely familiar with that mid-’90’s Grunge era outfit.

But that’s not Godzillionaire! At all. Well, maybe a little when you get to “Boogie Johnson” which is definitely a ditty that may have originated in a time when not buttoning your flannel as a fashion statement was cool. That said, “Spin Up Spin Down” is beyond comparison in regards to that style as it presents an immaculate, immersive vibe that could easily be pegged as the album closer. But nope! This is just the third song in, people! And what you get this early into Diminishing Returns is a Monster Magnet meets The Doors level of trippiness and psychedelia that just solidifies Godzillionaire’s place as a band you need to know. And that guitar power we mentioned earlier from White? All over this one.

And how would one follow up such a bodacious bout of musical epicness, you ask? Why, with a similarly epic body of music in the form of “Astrogarden” which is more guitar-centric and what might happen if Soundgarden circa Badmotorfinger and Kyuss in their Sky Valley peak jammed. “3rd Street Shuffle” dials it back slightly with a more straightforward bout of the Rawk while “Unsustainable” offers another flavor on the Godzillionaire menu with a Pop/Trip-Hop hybrid that features Lizz Weiler seamlessly meshing with Hennessy’s lush delivery.

Did you get this far and think “Damn! This record is great but I really wish they would go even MORE epic!” Well, friends, you are in LUCK as Diminishing Returns ends with not one, but TWO seven minute and change certified bangers! The first of which, “Common Board, Magic Nail” is all moving grooves and aura enhancing and the sound of a band truly locked in and knowing what they’re all about. On the flippity flip, “Shadow of a Mountain” is peak album ender material with an anticipatory feel the instant White and Romaine start playing followed by Dye’s low end and Hennessy’s serene singing culminating in a crushing climax that’s all gargantuan Godzillionaire Rawk all the time before gradually coming back down for the cool down and eventually, a finale.

Diminishing Returns arrives through Ripple Music on January 17th and you can pre-order your copy now by heading here. For more from Godzillionaire, head to the interwebs and their socials by clicking here, here, or here.

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