This is one of those records that immediately struck us when we initially heard it (Single “Brotha” was on repeat a LOT when we first received that one) so we immediately started a draft… then promptly moved onto the next shiny new title in our queue and left the in-the-works post untouched sans a header/placeholder. Because despite a long overdue resolution to be more present at the time of a promo coming in (Meaning taking notes as we’re listening that crucial first time), sometimes we just fuck up. But not when it comes to the meat and potatoes of a piece and we can’t think of anything more sonically sumptuous than the latest from Kaiser!
“Brotha” is everything we loved about the mid-’90’s Desert Rawk era with walls of fuzz and gnarly breakdowns put through a Gozu blender especially when it comes to Otu’s soulful vocals throughout which are the closest to Marc Gaffney’s that we’ve ever encountered at least. “1,5 Dozen” keeps the aural onslaught going on this low end heavy banger that’s loaded with solos galore and guitar duels with Otu getting his scream on in both the vocal and riffage department to add some Torche-like ferocity to the mix while “Meteorhead” just fits the established vibe so perfectly from its’ sampled opening through to RiQ’s beastly stomp behind the kit.
“Oversized Load” is percussive and primal accentuated by Pex’s bass prowess, “Stood Still” appeals to a higher power of mystical Psych Rawk in the vein of some of Kyuss and COC’s trippier moments, and “Awaken Monster” builds and builds… then builds some more into a great convergence of sonic synchronicity from the trio before “A Clockwork Green” climbs aboard tossing and turning between a time change tumult filled with start/stop accents culminating in a soaring chorus from Otu. Then we get to “Aftershock” which is large and in charge and a fitting final song bringing some big grooves out of Pex and RiQ as Otu’s massive riffs fill up the space and lead to some wild Desert Rawk wizardry during an especially robust jam session deeper in the hefty tune.
2nd Sound drops on March 7th through Majestic Mountain Records. Pre-order yours to have it immediately on release day by clicking here or on the stream below and for the rest of the Kaiser happenings you can head here and here.