We don’t say this too often but you’re not likely to hear anything quite like the music that downtalker makes. Following up on Post Junkie Selfish Millennial Single Father Field Notes (Which you can check out on Bandcamp here) comes two fresh new singles from the Boston-based trio which, far and away, might be the best songs downtalker have released to date. And don’t get us wrong, what’s come before from the multi-talented multi-instrumentalists Matt Freake, Darin Thompson, and Justin Mantell is tops (The long-titled release from August that we just mentioned is profound!) but what’s next is something really special.
The moment “All My Friends Are Dead” started, the biggest grin involuntarily came across our face. It’s heavy in content but heavenly on delivery as the song (And similarly, “Watch Your Heart Break”) touches on addiction and recovery set to a Devo meets Duran Duran soundtrack for an Electro/New Wave hybrid sound that easily stands out in the Boston Rawk scene.
“Watch Your Heart Break” is so different but just as good, if not better while leaning into a Darkwave/Post-Punk feel especially with those driving bass lines (Certain I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness songs really comes to mind here), soaring guitars, and shimmering choruses.
“All My Friends Are Dead” & “Watch Your Heart Break” are coming your way on September 15th through Iodine Recordings. downtalker will be celebrating that pair of singles with their debut live performance on September 22nd over at Royale on a bill headlined by Fiddlehead who will be celebrating an album release of their own. For tix to that as well as all the new music and news, follow downtalker across their socials by clicking here, here, or here.