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Singles! Other Brother Darryl, “Sometimes”

The everlasting earnestness of Boston’s Other Brother Darryl is so endearing to behold (Say that one five times fast!) and, as music fans/listeners, we’re happy to have the privilege of being able to take that ride with the outfit on the regular. And while we won’t go into their history here (For that you should ABSOLUTELY check out this amazing mini-doc called Roll Shine Roll from Brendan Boogie here), we will say that the way the Alt-Country artist perseveres with their celebratory sonic stories that triumph over tragedy is definitely something to marvel at.

And all that is to say you should totally check out their new single if you haven’t already because how beautiful is “Sometimes”?!?! OBD’s fourth single, written back in 2019 but first without any recording contributions from the late Dave Mirabella (Again, check out the mini-doc!), talks on “finding the balance between the expectation of being perfect and accepting one can’t always be” through the lyrics of vocalist Dan Nicklin.

Surrounded by an aural atmosphere conjured from Nate Leavitt (Acoustic Guitar and Vocals), Matt Odabashian (B3), Dave Lieb (Piano and Vocals), Dan Cederholm (Drums and Banjo), Derek Feeney (Acoustic Guitar), Jim Collins (Bass and Vocals), and Chad Raleigh (Electric Guitar) as well as Mirabella who continually serves as source of spiritual guidance for the band, “Sometimes” offers a united front during tumultuous times with lush acoustic guitars, pianos, percussion, and more establishing a peaceful elegance that’s a little bit Americana and a little bit that Alt-Country but ultimately defies any one genre.

“Sometimes” is out now and can be yours to listen to over and over some more when you head to the stream below or to the Bandcamp link right here. For more from Other Brother Daryl, including other sites to stream their tunes plus show news and the socials among other links, head here.

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