What can we say about Sunday Junkie that we haven’t already said? Well, a lot actually! As you will soon find out. Continuing their steady rise into the upper echelons of New England Alterna artists, the duo of Shawn Pelkey and Tom Martin unveil new single “Holy, Holy” which might be their best yet?!?!? Did we say that for the last single? If so, then you obviously see the trend that’s happening here, right?
Anyway, “Holy, Holy” is indeed all that and a bag of chips and probably Sunday Junkie’s most immediate-sounding single so far (And again, possibly best yet). With this one, the focus definitely is more on the Radiohead or Muse Alternative spectrum and their more expansive offerings and overall aura with Martin’s broad passages meshing fantastically with the swirling guitar lines and Pelkey’s primal thumping on drums. And can we please talk about the color scheme for the cover of each release? We’re definitely getting all the early Baroness feels with how they used to categorize their records and while Sunday Junkie is in another realm sonically, we’re still becoming more smitten with the whole package on each release.
“Holy, Holy” is out now! And you can get yours by heading here or to the stream below. For more from Sunday Junkie, follow the band across their socials all over the information superhighway by clciking here, here, or here.