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Singles! Teen Idle, “Birthday Cake”

Single Art by Samantha Abdelbarry

What a vibrant, lush sounding single “Birthday Cake” is! From multi-instrumentalist, producer, and singer-songwriter Sara Abdelbarry as Teen Idle, “Birthday Cake” is the first slice of music from the upcoming debut record Nonfiction and hopefully a great indication of what’s to come.

The kind of track that has you on the edge of your seat in anticipation of what’s to come, “Birthday Cake” builds and builds toward a subtle yet succinct culmination that chooses a tender approach over a thunderous one. When the drums from Samir Tawalare (Abdelbarry handled the rest of the instrumentation) eventually chime in, it’s a flutter rather than a fury that truly makes this debut ditty stand out. Then there’s Abdelbarry’s voice which is a revelation that harnesses a fragile vibrato in such a meaningful way as it maneuvers across the rhythm and melodies most excellently, effortlessly and elegantly.

“Birthday Cake” arrives on July 7th through H1 MASSIVE who will also put out debut album Nonfiction later this year. To get your pre-order/pre-save on now head here and then hop onto the information superhighway for all the Teen Idle socials by clicking here, here, or here

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