It’s been a little bit since Boston’s TELL initially burst onto the scene in a hail of Indie Alterna-Riot Rawk fury but now it’s time for the machine to start up again and we can’t think of a more perfect reintroduction than the soon-to-be-released “Sweet Proximity”. Not so much a protest song as it is a, ahem, TELLing-it-like-it-is song, “Sweet Proximity” is an especially feisty jam that sees TELL taking on what drummer Patrick Crann calls “the futility of existence” with vocalist/guitarist David Wildman positing during these trying times an eerily poignant new mantra: “How much more patient can I be?”
It might sound contrived to say this but we kinda don’t care because it really does sound like TELL has stepped it up here with everyone involved taking the mastery of their particular field of excellence to a whole new ballpark (Baseball season is almost here, forgive us the sports analogies). Wildman sounds positively possessed on both the frets and with the fortitude behind each word uttered while Jim Foster’s guitars command listeners’ attention with each chord struck. Add in Jay Raffi’s Post-Punk meets New Wave hybrid bass stylings paired next to Crann’s kaleidoscopic range of stick play and “Sweet Proximity” is not just essential TELL listening but essential 2025 listening as well.
“Sweet Proximity” arrives on March 14th which is the same day that the band take the stage at The Warp & Weft in Lowell with French Pies W/Pepper and Cat TV (Get more info on all of that here)! For all the rest of your TELL news including more shows on the horizon (Like the one at The Square Root in Roslindale on May 9th), links to where you can hear the new single and up-to-date info on the next release (“Boiling The Ocean” is currently slated to drop in April) and more just follow the socials by clicking here or here.