Based on what we heard just from “OMNI” off of the THE BROWNING’s latest full-length of the same name we will buy into whatever THE DEFECT (Who is featured on that track and shares THE BROWNING’s Jonny McBee in their lineup) is selling from now until the end of time. Like new single “Lost In The Shadows” for instance!
If you like your THE BROWNING with a little less abrasiveness, are entranced by the way Moon McBee sings words, and prefer your massive anthems of the Heavy Electro/Industrial variety then THE DEFECT is for you! And latest single “Lost In The Shadows” embodies those notions to a T! Amidst a synthetic backdrop that’s ominous and omnipresent in a way that Rammstein and Replicant do so well, a steadily rumbling bass and subtle percussive bombast enhance the atmosphere as Moon emphatically emotes behind the mic. As we get further in, mechanical riffage ups the pace and Jonny McBee enters the vocal fray for a scenario that, when paired with Moon’s performance is akin to Jekyll & Hyde with Jonny’s monstrous maw combatting Moon’s cherubic croon.
“Lost In The Shadows” is out now through FiXT and you can get your copy when you head here! For more from THE DEFECT, including all the info on their upcoming debut record called DEATH X DESTINY as well as where you can catch them on tour soon in support of THE BROWNING (With a January 15th date on the books for Worcester’s Palladium Upstairs), head on over to the information superhighway by clicking here, here, or here.