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Singles! Tysk Tysk Task, “Colors”

Wow, Lowell is really bringing it lately! Within the last month or so alone we’ve covered artists from the city in Middlesex County who are exquisitely brandishing variations of Darkwave, Alt-Folk, and more with Tysk Tysk Task arriving and adding to that list with their self-described “Indie Grunge Rock”. Read on to find out why we think they’re a whole helluva lot more than that.

So hear me out: Upon first listen of Tysk Tysk Task’s latest single there’s a distinctive War On Women meets Audioslave kinda thing happening. And we’re not talking about first two albums, learning who they are Audoioslave. We’re talking synchronicity at its’ finest, underrated, and chopped up and seamlessly spliced into the sonic framework of Michael Mann’s Miami Vice, Revelations-era Audioslave. Still with us? Great!

“Colors” is the name of the game and the aural palette that TTT paint from here is sorta divine. It’s a subtle intensity throughout that passionately swells and is akin to standing waist-deep in the ocean and feeling the waves push against you over and over again. Samantha Hartsel’s guitar tones are both harsh and haunting coupled with a vocal delivery that’s enticing yet ethereal. The track as a whole is like Sonic Youth’s Goo wrapped into an intricate six minute soliloquy but stands on its’ own when put to the test with Danni Gannon’s steady hand on the skins, a positively electric electronic harmonica performance from Ben Kotce and the previously mentioned Hartsel creating some absolute magic together in a TBD-later genre.

“Colors” is out now ahead of a new soon-to-be-released album and you can get the latest news and relevant links (Including all the social sites) in one convenient location here or head straight for the main course and check out “Colors” by clicking here, on the stream below or do a TTT deep dive and head here.

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