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SOM Start 2022 With Haunting Post-Rawk Odyssey On The Shape of Everything

Kicking off the new year with the continuation of an artist who, with only two new songs, still managed to leave a massive sonic impact in the previous year is always an inspiring thing. We’re talking about SOM who followed up the release of the monumental Awake EP in 2021 (Check out our review here) with the tease of The Shape Of Everything later in the year and first single “Animals” which barely scrapes the surface of what this monumental and majestic new record holds within.

Haunting Post-Rawk is going to be a go-to term in this review because “doom pop” doesn’t really do it for us especially when you immerse yourself in SOM’s latest and particularly in vocalist/guitarist Will Benoit’s ethereal delivery song after song. As uplifting and heavenly as Benoit’s vocals are, the heavy slabs of pretty pummeling that permeate opener “Moment” and the whole of TSOE easily sets SOM apart from the pack and delivers an album that’s a necessary listen in 2022.

Aforementioned first single “Animals” has an air of Failure mixed with the certifiable sonic sludge that hum regularly delivers, dwelling in some sonic murky waters before “Center” wades in with a Doom-like devastation from Mike Repasch-Nieves and Joel M. Reynolds’ guitars contrasted by Benoit’s breathy vox for a sound that’s as dense and diverse as Isis at their heady heaviest.

The transition from “Shape” to “Clocks” is divine with the latter nicely showcasing Justin Forrest and Duncan Rich’s respective bass and drum mastery enveloped by a Constants/Junius-sized wall of guitar screams while “Clocks” is a blistering bout of steady guitar wizardry from Benoit, Reynolds, and Repasch-Nieves. “Wrong” is, dare we say, accessible? If radio was still a thing, this would be your entry point to the quintet bringing back those Failure vibes for a vibrant yet still ghostly blast of solid SOM. “Heart Attack” is as serious as having one with one of the most fierce opening salvos from SOM to date before settling into a quieter but no less intense interlude driven by Forrest’s bass foundation and then “Son Of Winter” wraps the record up with one last slice of truly transcendent Post-Rawk pie.

The Shape Of Everything arrives on January 21st through Pelagic Records. You can pre-order yours now in a variety of formats when you head here and you can support SOM and find out about upcoming shows and more by heading here, here, and here.

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