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Summoner Go Beyond the Realm of Light On Latest Masterpiece

How hard do Summoner rawk, you ask? Well, let’s look at the evidence we have currently: Phoenix was undeniably legendary and sophomore outing Atlantian was equally epic. If you’re keeping score, Summoner’s two for two with their recorded works right now and soon to be three for three. That’s right because Beyond the Realm of Light (Out on May 12th through Magnetic Eye Records) impressively holds up to the Summoner standard and could be the definitive album from these Boston rawkers.

Like classic album openers “The Interloper” and “The Gateceeper”, “New Sun” just brings it with a whirlwind of riffs and percussive staccato attacks melting into a groove-laden rocker driven by Chris Johnson’s pipes crying out to the sky.

And that’s just the first track, kiddos!

“The Huntress” moves with solo after solo from AJ Peters and Joe Richner at its culmination before drifting into the concussive riff-fueled abyss. The title track is truly epic as Johnson’s croon echoes out over a tumultuous tribal bashing by Scott Smith (Think Pelican at their best with vox on top). “The Emptiness” treads prog and doom rock oh so well while “Skies of the Unknown” is a spacey journey until the goin’ gets goin’ and the riffs begin to overflow in the best way possible.

“Into Oblivion” closes out the album and is like a riff-fueled rocket propelling towards exactly that: oblivion! Epic and concise, the track proves that there’s no shortage of musicianship when it comes to the players within Summoner. A fitting coda to album number three, “Into Oblivion” proves that Summoner is definitely at the top of their game with great things on the horizon.

Beyond the Realm of Light is out through Magnetic Eye Records on May 12th. Pre-orders are currently up here. Meanwhile, you can keep up to date on all things Summoner here and if you’re heading West this August for Psycho Las Vegas then be sure to check out these local Boston BA’s as they (rightly) play alongside giants like Neurosis, Corrosion Of Conformity, and Gojira among others.

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