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What’s in a name? Beastmilk is here to rock your world!


Anything Deathwish Inc or GodCity/Kurt Ballou related immediately piques my interest. Unfortunately, the fact that this one slipped through the cracks and I found out about Beastmilk through a Pantera anniversary issue of Revolver is entirely on me.

Yep, the name is gonna throw you: What kind of music is this? Are they serious? I’m telling you, though, look past the name and go for the meat and potatoes which is, of course, the music!

These Finnish former death metallers have crafted an album that puts Matt Skiba and Alkaline Trio to shame. Add some epic guitar ferocity in there along with some early Danzig and a small helping of Bauhaus for a better view of the “beast” that is Beastmilk.

But man oh man, these songs! “The Wind Blows Through Their Skulls” is an anthem and a half…you know, the kind of song that you just feel deep in your bones and makes you scream along at the top of your lungs during the chorus? “Fear The Mind” is one of THE best rockers out there with ungodly guitar tones that just moves the song to other levels of excellence. “Genocidal Crush” is the post punk single to end all post punk singles with an infectious sing-a-long refrain while “Ghosts Out Of Focus” sets a different mood altogether, slowing down but never stopping the intensity.

The only fault this album has is that it eventually has to end.

Climax was released late last year so you might have missed it but the important thing is that you know about it now so you can go  here and get yours.

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