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Edict Deliver A Delightful Dichotomy With Hybrid Hardcore Of In Defense Of Labor

Some bands on paper just aren’t our cuppa, y’know? Like, they do what they do and do it really well and sometimes it clicks and sometimes it doesn’t. Then there are cases when you catch a band out in the wild on stage and are just compelled to devour absolutely [...]

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Singles! Tysk Tysk Task, “Intolerable”

It’s too early to have a “Song Of The Year”, right? How about “Song Of The Year” contender? Because Lowell’s Tysk Tysk Task just upped the game and their game considerably with what they’re about to drop.

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Singles! Wyn & The White Light, “Can the World Change”

Not really an anti-Holiday jam but more the antithesis for those who need it during what is a trying time for many, the newest single from Wyn & The White Light is a somber soliloquy (Believe it or not, that’s not the first time we’ve used that alliteration this week) [...]

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Straight Pepper Diet Covers An Eclectic Range Of Genres Across Spectacular Vol. 1

What a wild, eclectic mix of genres Vol. 1 by Straight Pepper Diet is! With Vol. 1, the mysterious veteran of the New England music scene known only as “Possum” brings to the big kids table an album that’s nothing short of spectacular with a hybrid sound that offers big [...]

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