Time flies when you’re having fun or in the case of KMFDM’s founder, Sascha Konietzko, when you’re prolifically creating new music. He elaborated on the topic recently via phone: “Well, it’s just something I can’t help. When I wake up in the morning I go in my studio, and unless [...]
Pandemonium, the third offering from Cavalera Conspiracy is easily their heaviest yet. From the onslaught of “Babylonian Pandemonium” and “Bonzai Kamikazee” it’s easy to see that CC has found a place in the musical echelon that suits them well and that happy place happens to be heavy as hell. Max [...]
Silent So Long, the second album from Emigrate, is akin to Soulfly’s sophomore outing in that it’s chock filled with high-profile guests that could easily overpower the band underneath. Luckily the strength of Richard Z. Kruspe’s songwriting and track sequencing skills insures that on this album, Emigrate always shines through.
You know what goes great with Thanksgiving? AC/DC. They’re back with Rock Or Bust, the best stocking stuffer you could give and/or receive this holiday season.
A year already? Almost 6,000 page views (Where you at Facebook and Twitter?!?!?) and 150 posts mostly done by my lonesome from a site born out of creative frustration based off the opening line from Streets Of Fire. I’d say that’s an accomplishment, wouldn’t you? In that time we’ve started [...]
Surprise albums make for the best albums. You know which ones I’m talking about: Those ones that seemingly come out of nowhere from a band you really love who maybe hasn’t produced an album in, say, eight years or so? Which brings me to I Love You But I’ve Chosen [...]