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Restless Spirit Raise The Stakes On Powerful Progressive Rawk Epic Blood Of The Old Gods

Restless Spirit bring a refreshing kind of Progressive Rawk on their latest, Blood of the Old Gods, that will continually regenerate your faith in modern artists being able to kick out the jams with each and every listen. Honing in on this unique sonic essence that captures the old school epic rawness of earlier Baroness mixing it up with Lo-Pan and Blind-era Corrosion Of Conformity with the way Paul Aloisio’s  voice soars and sounds like the second coming of Karl Agell at times, Restless Spirit deliver one massive sonic sojourn that’s not to be overlooked this late in the year.

Like a roller coaster full of twists and turns, ups and downs, loops and scoops, drops and tops, opener “Judgement and Exile” (Following the preciously plucked instrumental ditty “The Destroyer”) is a proper head trip for the entirety of its’ almost nine minute length. Filled with raucous riffage and soaring vocals from Aloisio, the kick off to Blood of the Old Gods is a beastly affair that digs its’ hooks in deep and never lets go with a relentless Rawk onsaught that also serves as the best ever introduction to anyone unfamiliar with the Long Island trio.

“Crooked Timber of Humanity” is one Heavy pinnacle of monstrous music beginning as a dirge with the way Jon Gusman’s pointed pummels hit with Marc Morello’s bass rumbles then shifts to a Bluesier affair with Aloisio’s shreddy soulful riffing bringing to mind Zakk Wylde or Down. Oh, that wasn’t enough dirgin’ for ya? Then howzabout “Cascade Immolator” which gets props for the name alone but also because the track fucking brings it. Fueled by the power of the almighty riff, this cantankerous chameleon sees Aloisio as Jekyll and Hyde with his guitar lines bringing the nastiness and his sweeping vocals here bringing the levity. On top of all that you get Gusman’s magical drumming in the fantastical breakdown when “Cascade Immolator” really hits its’ stride that, when paired with Aloisio’s swirling tornado of shreds and Morello’s bass hum, will cause uncontrollable bouts of zoning out from listeners regardless of surroundings. Read: Maybe don’t operate heavy machinery when checking out this track, okay?

The title track is a righteous blast of killer shreds throughout that takes many an excursion through styles and tempos before fading out with a repeated acoustic refrain that’s reminiscent of Pink Floyd (Lookin’ at you, “He You”!) which leads into the properly grandiose “Haunted” and closes out Blood of the Gods as epically loud as it began.

Blood Of The Old Gods arrives via Lifesblood Records on December 10th. Pre-order yours now by heading here. And for the latest on Restless Spirit, follow them across ye olde socials by clicking here or here.

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