If you’ve yet to experience Ruby Grove in a live setting yet then chances are that your only exposure to the burgeoning Boston-based outfit is their highly infectious (But not in a bad way!) debut single “Maybe It’s Time”. We dug the track a lot (And you can read why in our review here) so if you told us that this was the same band about to put out “Crystal Land”?!?! Well, we would’ve believed you because it’s Ruby Grove but let’s be clear about one thing: The epic evolution from then until now is nothing short of astonishing with a new song on the horizon that could already be the defining sound of this young band.
And what is that”sound”, you might ask? Some kind of wonderful is what it is. While “Maybe It’s Time” dwelled in a lo-fi Trip-Hop meets Groove and Soul area, “Crystal Land” breaks new ground entirely with a gargantuan sound that’s still Ruby Grove at its’ core. Just more. As cascading synths twinkle and shimmer to start, bits of instrumental breadcrumbs perfectly placed to entice listeners further in begin to appear with Cedric Lamour’s rhythmic reverberations first at bat before Sergio Romero’s guitar work weaves elegantly around the intricate musical web woven as Sage Gibbons keeps the pace on drums (For this recording, with Reed Farhat RG’s current drummer). Then there’s Melissa Nilles whose work on the keyboards creates a synthetic symphony that barely contains the vocal range she brings on this outing which inhabits a baroque or operatic feeling at times capped off by an absolutely gorgeous vocal run towards song’s end that’s to die for.
“Crystal Land” is out now ahead of an upcoming EP and can be all yours to listen to over and over again when you head here or to the stream below. If you’re digging the sounds and also looking for a fun night of kickass music then what better way to celebrate the release of the new Ruby Grove single than by checking them out live ON RELEASE NIGHT (9.13) along with Happy Little Clouds, Girl With A Hawk, and American Ocelot over at The Jungle in Somerville! For all the info on that show you can head here and then here to check out the rest of RG’s social media presence across the interwebs for more!