Big on grooves and big on atmosphere, the latest from France’s Chaos E.T. Sexual is an experience to listen to. One of those albums where you really need to take it in as a whole and not just in pieces, Only Human Crust encompasses this gorgeous merging of World music [...]
The final VOWWS single of 2020 is both a blessing and a curse. Or more bittersweet, really, because on the one hand: Yaye! New VOWWS! But on the other, more edge-of-your-seat holding your breath nervousness for that highly anticipated follow-up to Under The World to materialize. Growing up sans internet [...]
Take the mouthpiece from Converge, the low end from the legendary Nasum, Megadeth’s current skin smasher, put together by the guitarist from Napalm Death, one of the world’s premiere Death Metal outfits, and you have one of the most intriguing outfits of 2020.
Short, sweet, and to the heavy point, Lead Head by Orbiter is three tracks of pure, unfiltered Rawk and a breath of fresh air during these trying times. With Orbiter’s latest batch of tracks, the Oslo trio bring the ruckus throughout each sonic journey which pack a sonic wallop and [...]
In this day and age, it is really hard to stand out and make a statement with your music…not because there’s no originality left but because there’s so much that’s already been done that it’s hard to not be derivative in some way. Which is why it’s especially exhilarating when [...]
Politically-charged, poignant, and powerful, War On Women’s latest is equally their most ferocious and most important album to date. There are records you turn on and within barely thirty seconds you can tell they’re just magic like Wonderful Hell which is sonically transcendent of anything War On Women has done [...]