Your favorite eclectic Electro Rawk duo from Boston is back barely 6 months out from Phantom Electric (Released in November 2022, reviewed by us here) with Karmic Revenge, an astounding step forward in the ongoing evolution of Dyr Faser.
“Suns Of Unseen Revival” is kind of ominous and kind of menacing with Amelia May channeling some Debbie Harry at the heart of this storm of chilling synths and guitars that edges closer and closer to the abyss. And that’s just the first 5 minutes of Karmic Revenge. “Fun in the Sun” adds more structure with Eric Boomhower leading on the vox as May’s flute accompaniment flutters around the downtrodden guitar tones to accent Boomhower’s sustained vocal delivery and then “Keep Talking” acknowledges May as the Lisa Gerrard to Boomhower’s Brendan Perry when it comes to Indie artistic outfits as their vocal sparring continues.
“Symbolized” is an upbeat little number fueled by some gnarly riffage that’s seemingly out of a trip curated by The Doors while “Silver Night Run” cascades across your auditory nerves all tender-like in much the same way a lullaby would gently ease you off to la la land. “Ghastly Vicious Acts” has some ’90’s Alt and Grunge within that “This Menace” carries throughout before the hypnotic psychedelia of “Dead On The Vine” takes hold.
“Despite The Party Atmosphere” is akin to Arctic Monkeys’ own “No. 1 Party Anthem” in that there’s no party to be had during either of these songs. But that’s not to say that each aren’t intriguing in their own way with “Despite…” building off this inherent, incessant buzz towards an eerie Gothic atmosphere that’s as spooky as a Vincent Price classic. Dyr Faser’s latest ends with the radiating finale that is “Lifelike Strange” which is a convergence of sounds that are both serene and screaming., eventually working itself into an entangled web of cathartic cacophony.
Karmic Revenge is out now. Get yours to stream and/or purchase by clicking here or here. For the latest from Dyr Faser, follow them across ye olde socials when you head here, here, or here.