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Sacred Reich Return And Teach The Kiddies How It’s Done On Thrash-tastic Awakening

Who’dve thunk that in the year 2019 we’d be drooling for the release of Sacred Reich’s first new recorded outing in nearly 23 years? But here we are. Drooling. For a record that is DEFINITELY worth the 23 year gap between full-lengths.

In my upper echelon of Thrash giants, SR stand alongside fellow gargantuans Testament as a band that’s constantly knocking on the door of the Big 4 and, much like those Bay Area thrashers, Sacred Reich make a solid argument why that door should allow a few more in. Forget the word “comeback” and just focus on “follow up” because that’s exactly what Awakening is. Without skipping a beat, the record is filled with the tunes that are the logical next step after 1996’s Heal. It’s a slim, no filler eight song opus that delivers the goods.

“Awakening” is all pomp and circumstance as this heavy ass riff fest blasts your ears with a Thrash sound you’ve been yearning for since “The Power Of The Written Word” last faded from your speakers as Wiley Arnett and Joey Radziwill bring the shreds you’ve been yearning for.

Dave McClain flexes his drum chops on the pounding “Salvation” while “Manifest Reality” is what the kids would call the “bomb diggity”. We just call it awesome. With this inspired, old school intro that brings to mind Megadeth with its’ complex rhythmic structures the track is wholly just Thrash incarnate.

“Killing Machine” hearkens back to classic SR and Phil Rind’s penchant as a master storyteller with his lyrics while “Death Valley” has some of Rind’s finest vocal performances and some of his finest bass work as McClain makes the cowbell absolutely sing to boot.

“Revolution” is just that: A revolution! Almost a throwback to American Way with the, ahem, way this fast, pummeling, and ultimately anthemic classic just speeds along before “Something To Believe” showcases McCain’s drumming prowess which is compounded by Rind’s voice and bass and the dual Arnett and Radziwill guitar attack which administers a new school Thrash upon the masses with subtle nods to “Free” leading into a scorching solo before the grand conclusion.

Awakening hits hard and fast on August 23rd through Metal Blade Records. Pre-orders are up now and available in a variety of bundles for your peepers to peruse when you click here. For the latest on Sacred Reich, including upcoming dates with the mighty Gwar, head here and here.

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