Perfect for the season, “Wolf” from Lowell’s own The Shirts And Shoes is pure haunting Rawk bliss and a must have for any 2019 Halloween playlist!
Hot on the heels of 2018’s Bananas (Which you can stream/download here), The Shirt And Shoes expands their sound with a track that’s a cross between Rockabilly and Grunge for a vibe that’s got Nirvana-sized anthems mixed with the more modern spook of Bat! Emiliano Calvo and Tyler Charron’s guitars are just ferocious with Eric Gonnam’s drums delivering an unabashed bashing while Alec Gervais’ bass thumps and throttles. Charron’s vox echo the all around feel of the song and accompanying video, which sees Michelle Mailloux’s undead/possessed antagonist stalking the band in a Sabrina meets Evil Dead nightmare filmed at Lee, NH’s Haunted Overload, as he starts with a calm delivery before quickly going into an anxiety-ridden howl.
The single and video for “Wolf” drop on October 25th. To find out where you can stream or download your copy of the track as well as when you can view the video, follow the band at any one of their fine social media hotspots by clicking here. And if you have the urge to recreate “Wolf” on your own, head on over here for more details on Haunted Overload.
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