We called All Your Sisters’ last record Uncomfortable Skin “an instant gothic masterpiece” (Read more here) and listening through their upcoming full-length, mastermind Jordan Morrison is doing little to dissuade that they’ve done it again. And might we add that, if possible, they’ve gone bleaker and gothier? Is that a term? Howzabout “none more goth” then?
But I digress.
Regardless of the levels of gothiness within, there’s no denying that Trust Ruins is one helluva fun ride through the dark. Opener “A Demon Left The Door Open” is ominous, warning of upcoming feels of general malaise as Morrison’s pained cries ring out. Next up, “Power Abuse” brings the pain and is like Author & Punisher meets ’80’s New Wave with syncopated beats that come aggressively at your earholes while Morrison barks before the song segues into a piano and groove-laden post-punk number.
“Your Way” is like a heavier version of New Order mixed with some serious Ministry or Skinny Puppy vibes from the late ’80’s while “Dividing Lines” takes that comparison even further on a rabble rousing driving number that moves in and out of tempos and moods at an erratic yet controlled pace.
“Window” is a quick little dirge to bring down the mood even further before “A Factory Of Unpleasant Dreams” offers up a minute and a half of haunting soundscapes that’d easily fit into your most favorite creepy scene in Twin Peaks. “Self-Medicating” is all that Industrial percussive clanging you crave before the title track introduces new levels of doom and then “The Enabler” presents a fitting funeral march with this penultimate track serving as a fitting precursor to the grand finale.
That finale in question is “The Deceiver” which is the most glorious of gorgeous noises culminating in an even greater way with this inspired piano line (“The Perfect Drug” comes to mind in parts) that reiterates that there truly is beauty in the breakdown.
Trust Ruins is out through The Flenser on April 12th. You can pre-order your copy here or here. For more on All Your Sisters, including live dates, head on over here.